Search result for: Single European Sky
33 results
Airspace users’ statement on the EU Air Traffic Management
Airspace users’ statement on the EU Air Traffic Management
(ATM) performance targets 2020-2024
The weakest levels of ambition in the history of the Single European Sky (SES) Performance and Charging scheme were approved by EU member states this week.
(ATM) performance targets 2020-2024
How to Make Operations More Sustainable
Addressing sustainability in business aviation is all about finding innovative strategies that go beyond SAF to reduce aviation's environmental impact...
EASA opens up a consultation for the effective implementation of the innovative air mobility (IAM) regulatory framework
EASA's opening of a public consultation offers aviation stakeholders the opportunity to contribute to shaping the exciting regulatory framework for innovative air mobility (IAM)...
EBAA Welcomes Holger Krahmer as New Secretary-General
Brussels, 31 October 2023. The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) is delighted to announce the appointment of seasoned EU professional, Holger Krahmer, as the new Secretary-General. He is set to take over the reins of the Association starting 1 January 2024.
EASA paves the way towards safe, sustainable and secure VTOL air taxi operations
EASA's proposed rules for operating Vertical Take-Off and Landing aircraft (VTOL) is the first initiative of this kind worldwide, paving the way for the future of air mobility.
The EU Emissions Trading System for Aviation takes off
The entry into force of the Emission Trading Scheme for Aviation heralds a pivotal step towards advancing the decarbonisation of the aviation industry. In this article, we will explore what changes the new scheme will bring to Business aviation operators.
Banning business jets will halt the sustainable future of aviation
Banning business jets will halt the sustainable future of aviation
Brussels, 7 September 2022. The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) has taken note of the current political mainstream that is calling for the regulation of private jet flights more thoroughly at the EU level. Most upsetting, are the unfortunate routes taken that includes notions of banning, or increasing taxation which could simply deter the entire industry from operating and developing sustainable technologies.
Europe’s airspace users expected to cover up to €5.4 bn in lost ANSP revenues through higher ATC charges beginning in 2023
12 May 2021, Brussels. Member States yesterday approved a revised regulation updating the EU-wide performance targets for air navigation service providers (ANSPs).
Augmented Approaches to Land II: An EU-Funded project
EFVS operations are a key solution to expand access at secondary aerodromes in degraded weather conditions, maximising overall flexibility of operations as well as reducing the environmental footprint of a flight.
Brexit: Returned Goods Relief
As a result of the UK’s departure from the European Union’s single market on 31 December 2020, there has been an increase in queries regarding the application of Returned Goods Relief (RGR).