By Vanessa Rullier

New research programme: ATM and building the Digital European Sky

The European Commission is preparing the next European Research and Innovation Programme. In doing so, the Commission will set up partnerships (including the private sector as well as public entities) in several strategic industrial areas, including for air traffic management.

The future Partnership for ‘Integrated ATM‘ will build on the outcomes of the first two rounds of the Single European Sky ATM Research Programme (SESAR). SESAR 3 will reflect the European Union’s priorities on environment and digitalisation. It will aim at delivering the Digital European Sky and will tend to build a smarter air transport, more sustainable and resilient to changes, more flexible and adapted to all airspace users, including new air vehicles.

The Commission has prepared a High Level Partnership Proposal to describe the shape of the future partnership structure which will steer the R&D programme, as well as a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) which provides details on the research and innovation roadmaps to achieve the Digital European Sky. In response to this, EBAA in collaboration with the airspace users community sent a request for clarity to the European Commission and call for a fundamental role in the decisions taken to shape the future ATM which shall serve AUs’ needs.

The letter can be downloaded on the left.

Need more information ?

Please contact Vanessa Rullier-Francaud at