Reduced Required Landing Distance formally available on 12 August
Together with the Global Reporting Format (GRF), the new possibility of Reduced Required Landing Distance (RRLD) operations for Business Aviation Commercial and non-scheduled operations becomes formally available on the 12th of August.
In short, RRLD gives the possibility to operate under Commercial Air Transport (CAT) rules towards airports where only operations under private rules were previously possible. This means that a runway safety margin of 20% can now be used in CAT Operations after approval from the NAA when operating to airports where such approval is needed for CAT.
The approval process is rather complex since an equivalent level of safety needs to be proven through additional mitigations measures. Worth noting is the fact that RRLD will not be available to scheduled CAT operators and that some NAA’s will seldomly deal with this type of approval request.
EBAA and the EASA Safety Promotion team have initiated a common project to help both EBAA operator members and their NAAs to make practical use of this new possibility. Within this project, Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Materials (GM) for RRLD have been developed to assist in coordinating the application and approval process for both operators and their NAAs.
The EASA/EBAA project is currently under practical evaluation and once deemed to have a positive outcome will be made available to the Business Aviation community.