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38 results

European Business aviation sends urgent call to action to eliminate administrative barriers caused by Brexit
European Business aviation sends urgent call to action to eliminate administrative barriers caused by Brexit
10 March 2021, Brussels. Today, the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) urged National Authorities to eliminate administrative barriers following the conclusion of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, highlighting it is for the benefit of all those involved.

Urgent call to action on administrative barriers following brexit
EBAA urges National authorities to eliminate administrative barriers in the issuance of permits and authorisations for non-scheduled flights following the conclusion of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement

Augmented Approaches to Land II: An EU-Funded project
EFVS operations are a key solution to expand access at secondary aerodromes in degraded weather conditions, maximising overall flexibility of operations as well as reducing the environmental footprint of a flight.

Cyber Security in the European Digital Strategy: upcoming changes?
The uptake of digital technologies has grown exponentially in the last months since the beginning of the COVID19 pandemic. Since it is one of the key priorities in the European Digital Strategy by the European Commission, Business aviation is also gradually being immersed into digitalisation and needs to build cyber-resilience.

Netherlands bans flights from UK over new COVID19 mutation
Netherlands bans flights from UK over new COVID19 mutation
The Netherlands has banned flights from the United Kingdom out of concern for a new mutation of the virus that causes COVID19

What does "net-zero" really mean?
Over the last couple of years or so, we have heard many countries, sectors and individual corporations declare that they will be “net-zero” by 2050. Where did this expression come from and what does it mean for us and the Business aviation sector?

European airspace users provide views on the interim update of SES2+
While the COVID-19 pandemic has heavily impacted aviation and has caused a severe drop in traffic demand, it is also an opportunity to “build back better” a more efficient, resilient, and sustainable European Air Traffic Management, aligned with the political goals and ambition of the European Green Deal and a Europe that it fit for the digital age. The long awaited SES II + update proposal, published by the European Commission on 22 Sept, is therefore welcomed.

Business aviation flight plan handling: EUROCONTROL’s guidelines to better fit into the Network picture
The COVID-19 crisis continues to severely impact the freedom of movements in Europe. Member States unilaterally impose travel restrictions, travel bans, tests and quarantine. This heavily hit the airline industry which has still not fully recovered even during the usually busy summer holiday season. Its traffic remained at around 45% of the 2019 levels.

COVID-19: Coordination is vital for proper recovery in airspace management
In these times of crisis, coordination is vital to develop joint solutions which will ease a quick return to normal flight operations.

Are you aware of the developments on the European Communication and Surveillance mandates?
Europe has been very busy in the past years to reform the way airspace is managed to build a more efficient system.