Search result for: Expanding Horizons
21 results

Two working groups launched to accelerate Business aviation’s “green recovery” with creation of sustainability standards
25 September 2020, Brussels Furthering its commitment to help business aircraft operators and companies take substantial action on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) has launched two working groups tasked with defining guidelines for the sector’s bold initiative S.T.A.R.S. – Standards & Training for Aviation Responsibility and Sustainability.

Six Business aviation companies are ready to pilot S.T.A.R.S. and help accelerate sustainability across the industry
Brussels/ Montreal, 19 July 2021. Today, the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) and the International Business Aviation Council announce the launch of a comprehensive pilot programme for S.T.A.R.S. - Standards & Training for Aviation Responsibility and Sustainability.

BoG Meeting 22 January
1st BoG of 2021

European Business Aviation to Send Young Leaders to One Young World Global Youth Summit in Munich
Brussels, 24 November 2020. For the third year in a row, the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) is sending ten carefully selected inspired young leaders to represent the industry at the 2021 One Young World Summit in Munich.

BoG Meeting 27 November
5th BoG of 2020

BoG Meeting 18-19 June
The third BoG meeting of 2020

COVID-19 Resource Centre
Council of European Business Aviation Associations
The Council of European Business Aviation Associations acts as a forum for national associations in Europe to share expertise and collaborate on pan-European projects.

Associate Member Advisory Council
The Associate Member Advisory Council advises the EBAA Board of Governors on areas of interest to the membership and acts as the bridge between EBAA and our associate members.

Public-private partnerships key to address shortage of skills and gender balance in aviation
9 October, 2019 (London Stansted, UK). Kick-starting a campaign to encourage STEM within technical schools and amongst students, Europe’s business aviation industry - led by the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) together with the British Business and General Aviation Association (BBGA) - is today calling on government and the private sector to come together and create skills centres to address workforce challenges and gender balance in aviation.