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Industry data

High-quality, verified and reliable data is essential to support sound, economic and political decision-making. For this purpose, EBAA consistently aims to provide a comprehensive set of statistics about the Business aviation sector that can be used by all stakeholders, through engaging infographics, maps and data visualisations.
Industry data

EBAA Insights Webinar: Can collective industry reduce illegal flights?

EBAA Insights Webinar: Can collective industry reduce illegal flights?

Greenpeace spreads misleading data about business aviation

Brussels, 30 March 2023. Today, reports appeared in the media about a report commissioned by Greenpeace from CE Delft. The report claims that the number of private flights in the EU increased by 64 percent in 2022 and that the number of private flights from Dutch airports increased by 87 percent compared to the previous year.
Greenpeace spreads misleading data about business aviation

EBAA Interactive Data Yearbook improved and accessible to all

Brussels, 27 April 2022. The European Business Aviation Association is today highlighting the contribution of Business aviation to the region’s economy and its importance for post-COVID19 recovery with the publication of its annual Yearbook. Improved and more accessible tha other years, this edition is open to the public.
EBAA Interactive Data Yearbook improved and accessible to all

Membership growth & advantage programme: A growing trend represents industry dynamism.

Since January 2022 14 members have joined the EBAA, reflecting growing industry confidence.
Membership growth & advantage programme: A growing trend represents industry dynamism.

Recent developments on international data transfer under GDPR

What do Business aviation operators need to think about when transferring personal data to third parties?
Recent developments on international data transfer under GDPR

Aviation Industry Announces Establishment of the “Council on Sustainable Aviation Fuels Accountability”

15 April 2021, Brussels/Washington, DC. The aviation industry announced that – to build on its already impressive scope of activities for reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions – they are establishing the Council on Sustainable Aviation Fuels Accountability (CoSAFA), which is intended to accelerate the industry’s movement toward further decarbonizing aviation and increasing the adoption of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF).
Aviation Industry Announces Establishment of the “Council on Sustainable Aviation Fuels Accountability”

EBAA releases two new online data tools and services

High-quality, verified and reliable data is essential to support sound, economic and political decision-making.
EBAA releases two new online data tools and services

European Business aviation traffic tracker (January 2025)

Using EUROCONTROL data, we have compiled the European Business aviation traffic figures for January 2025.
European Business aviation traffic tracker (January 2025)

European Business aviation traffic tracker (December 2024)

Using EUROCONTROL data, we have compiled the European Business aviation traffic figures for December 2024.
European Business aviation traffic tracker (December 2024)